Das Gemälde zeigt vier Frauen auf einem Tuch.
Vier Frauen, Öl auf Leinwand, 80 x 100cm, 2024, Danny Hermann

The visual artist
Danny Hermann

In his artistic work, Dresden-based visual artist Danny Hermann navigates through the turbulence of a modern era in transition, with a particular focus on the duality of artificial intelligence, the ambivalence of social media and acute environmental problems. As part of the gothic scene, the artist draws on a deep aesthetic in his paintings and graphics, which not only enriches his visual language but also characterises his approach to content. Inspired by the emotional intensity of the great expressionists and his time with his former professor Ralf Kerbach, the artist's works merge figurative elements into cyborg-like figures and open a window into a world in which emotion and reflection speak their own language.

Each work of art is a personal challenge, a story that invites dialogue. With his artworks, Danny Hermann opens up a space in which the viewer is encouraged to self-reflect and develop a deeper understanding of the issues of our time.

Der Bildende Künstler & Meisterschüler Danny Hermann

Solo exhibitions


Hechtstraße 17, 01097 Dresden
VERNISSAGE: 24.04.2024
Mehr erfahren

Galerie mit Weitblick
Ob. Bergstraße 13, 01445 Radebeul
VERNISSAGE: 01.09.2024

„a Dialogue in Art“

Wiener Platz 9, 01069 Dresden


Adam & Eva 2.0
A reflection on artificial intelligence

Adam und Eva 2.0
Ölfarben auf Leinwand
145 x 96 cm

In 2015, during his studies at the Dresden University of Fine Arts, artist Danny Hermann created a work of art that blurs the boundaries between art, technology and philosophy. The 145 x 96 cm oil painting entitled "Adam & Eve 2.0" is a modern interpretation of the biblical motif of the first humans, but with a profound twist.


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Ankündigung der Ausstellung "Katzenwäsche" der GG3 - Group in Berlin.

GG3 – Ausstellung Katzenwäsche – Klimaschutz mit Verdrängung

Vom 03.05.2024 – 14.06.2024 findet in der Galerie für nachhaltige Kunst in Berlin der GG3 (GROUP GLOBAL 3000) die Ausstellung “Katzenwäsche – Klimaschutz mit Verdrängung” statt. Dabei werden Werke von 24 internationalen Künstlerinnen und Künstlern sowohl in der Galerie als auch im Park am Engelbecken an der Waldemarbrücke ausgestellt. Auch eines meiner Gemälde ist Teil dieser Ausstellung, die sich einem mehr als aktuellen Thema widmet.

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Ausstellungsübersicht für das Jahr 2024

Change of perspective: An exhibition overview 2024

For me as an artist, 2024 not only marks the beginning of a new phase in my creative development, but also offers me the opportunity to present my latest works to a wider circle of art enthusiasts. It is a year of exchange and shared inspiration.

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Art is the enhancement of craftsmanship


    Der Bildende Künstler & Meisterschüler Danny Hermann

    If you are interested in a possible collaboration on exhibitions or projects, you can contact the artist by e-mail at dannyhermannart@gmail.com .